********** MODEL NAME Two cpt linear model ********** MODEL NOTES Linear 2 compartmental distribution model with IV administration and absorption Dose: mg Concentrations: ug/mL Time: hours ********** MODEL STATES d/dt(Ad) = - ka*Ad + Fabs1*INPUT1 d/dt(Ac) = ka*Ad - Q/Vc*Ac + Q/Vp*Ap - CL/Vc*Ac + INPUT2 d/dt(Ap) = Q/Vc*Ac - Q/Vp*Ap ********** MODEL PARAMETERS Fabs1 = 0.5 # SC bioavailability (fraction) ka = 1 # Absorption rate constant (1/hour) CL = 8 # Systemic clearance (L/hour) Vc = 100 # Central volume (L) Q = 1 # Intercompartmental clearance (L/hour) Vp = 1000 # Peripheral volume (L) ********** MODEL VARIABLES # Calculate concentration in ug/mL Cc = Ac/Vc # Output for fitting OUTPUT1 = Cc # Concentration ********** MODEL REACTIONS ********** MODEL FUNCTIONS ********** MODEL EVENTS