********** MODEL NAME model_1cpt_linear_abs1emax ********** MODEL NOTES PK model for simulation of drug concentration in central compartment with following characteristics: Compartments: 1 Elimination : linear Absorption : first order time dependent absorption Emax model (with lag time) Unit convention Dose: mg Concentration: ug/mL Time: hours The annotation of the parameter units is consistent with the given unit convention. Units of the inputs (dose) and outputs (concentration) in the dataset for parameter estimation need to match the unit convention. ********** MODEL STATES d/dt(Ad) = - ka*Ad + Fabs1*INPUT1 d/dt(Ac) = ka*Ad - CL/Vc*Ac Ad(0) = 0 Ac(0) = 0 ********** MODEL PARAMETERS Fabs1 = 1 # Relative bioavailability (fraction) kafin = 2 # Asymptotic value of ka (1/hour) CL = 3 # Apparent clearance (L/hour) Vc = 32 # Apparent central volume (L) Tlag1 = 0 # Absorption lag time (hours) Hill = 1 # Hill coefficient (-) T50 = 2 # Time at which kabs is half of kafin ********** MODEL VARIABLES ka = kafin*(time^Hill/(T50^Hill+time^Hill)) Cc = Ac/Vc OUTPUT1 = Cc ********** MODEL REACTIONS ********** MODEL FUNCTIONS ********** MODEL EVENTS