Function to extract IQRdosing from modeling data set. A list of IQRdosing objects is returned containing each individual or each unique dosing.

Function to extract IQRdosing from modeling data set. A list of IQRdosing objects is returned containing each individual or each unique dosing.

extract_IQRdosing(data, FLAGunique = FALSE, TIMEcol = "TIME")



NLME, sysfit or general dataset containing dosing records (TIME, EVID, ADM, AMT, ADDL, II, RATE, TINF) for individuals (ID)


If FALSE (default) the dosing for each subject will be returned as list with the subject identifiers (ID) as names. If TRUE only unique dosings will be returned as unnamed list.


Column in the dataset to be used to define dosing times. Defaults to 'TIME'. Using NT instead should be considered if FLAGunique is set to TRUE.