Defines a dosing list for use in setting up estimation objects.

Can be used for syspharm and NLME type of estimation objects. This is a convenience function to allow better documentation of the elements that can be in the dosing argument for IQRnlmeEst and IQRsysEst. No consistency checks are done at this point. This is conducted in the IQRnlmeEst and IQRsysEst functions.




Comma separated input definition elements. One for each INPUT in the model. Names of input arguments need to be named according to the input names in the model. Each value of an argument is a named vector with the required name "type" and the optional names "Tlag" and "Tk0". "type" can be "BOLUS", "INFUSION", or "ABSORPTION0". Only difference between INFUSION and ABSORPTION0 is that in the first case the infusion RATE is provided and in the second the absorption time is estimated. Lag times can be added to each dosing input by defining "Tlag" as vector element. The value of this element needs to be the parameter named for this lag time. For INPUT1 this is "Tlag1" and for INPUT2 this is "Tlag2", etc. If type="ABSORPTION0" then also "Tk0" needs to be present as element in the vector. The value is a parameter name that also needs to appear in the model.


Returns a dosing list for IQRnlmeEst and IQRsysEst

See also

Other IQRnlmeProject: IQRnlmeEst(), IQRnlmeProject(), addCovariateToModelSpec_IQRest(), addPar_modelSpec(), as_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), as_IQRnlmeProject(), bootstrap_IQRnlmeProject(), compareModels_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), convertETAINDIVPRED_IQRnlmeProject(), covariateEffect_IQRnlmeProject(), data_IQRest(), duplicate_IQRnlmeProject(), eigenvalues_IQRnlmeProject(), exportVirtualSubjects_IQRnlmeProject(), getData_IQRnlmeProject(), getETAs_IQRnlmeProject(), getEst_IQRnlmeProject(), getHeader_IQRnlmeProject(), getIndivParameters_IQRnlmeProject(), getIndivPredictions_IQRnlmeProject(), getModel_IQRnlmeProject(), getObsPred_IQRnlmeProject(), getPopParameters_IQRnlmeProject(), getResults_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), getResults_IQRnlmeProject(), hasrun_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), hasrun_IQRnlmeProject(), informationContent_IQRnlmeProject(), is_IQRnlmeEst(), is_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), is_IQRnlmeProject(), is_MONOLIX_IQRnlmeProject(), is_NLMIXR_IQRnlmeProject(), is_NONMEM_IQRnlmeProject(), modelSpec_IQRest(), outlier_IQRnlmeProject(), plot.IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), plot.IQRnlmeProject(), plotBLQVPC_IQRdataVPC(), plotConvergence_IQRnlmeProject(), plotETACOV_IQRnlmeProject(), plotETA_IQRnlmeProject(), plotGOF_IQRnlmeProject(), plotINDIVSIM_IQRnlmeProject(), plotINDIV_IQRnlmeProject(), plotVPC_IQRdataVPC(), pred_IQRnlmeProject(), print.IQRnlmeEst(), print.IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), print.IQRnlmeProject(), print_modelSpec(), run_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), run_IQRnlmeProject(), sample_IQRnlmeProject(), scm_IQRnlmeProject(), summary.IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), summary.IQRnlmeProject(), summaryComments_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), summaryCorrelations_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), summaryCovariates_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), summaryParameters_IQRnlmeProjectMulti(), vpc_IQRnlmeProject()